3rd FIG Regional Conference
Jakarta, Indonesia, October 3-7, 2004

Picture Gallery 4 - Technical Tour

Links to other sites of this conference:
Technical tour

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Full day technical tour was organised from Jakarta to Bogor, where the participants were able to visit the headquarters of BAKOSURTANAL. Here Sugeng Priyadi and Vice President  Ken Allred.

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President Magel with the local hosts and the GPS station at the BAKOSURTANAL.

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Delegates listening about the activities of BAKOSURTANAL.

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Group picture outside BAKOSURTANAL.

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Technical tour included also a visit to the famous botanical gardens in Bogor.

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Presidential palace in Bogor.

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Gerhard Muggenhuber and President Magel smelling the local fruits.

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Gerhard Muggenhuber looking for a new job after leaving his post in the FIG Council as the ACCO representative to Matt Higgins from Australia.

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The tour included also visit to the tea plantations in the Puncak Highlands.


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