Vice President CheeHai Teo attends the South Luzon Area Assembly of the Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines

Quezon City, The Philippines, 7-8 November 2009

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FIG Vice President Teo CheeHai being presented with a plague after his keynote presentation by the Chairperson of SLA and flanked by the President of NCR and National President of GEP.

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FIG Vice President with some Geodetic Engineering undergraduates at a dinner reception.


Accelerating the Development of Cadastral Spatial Data Infrastructures Towards Sustainable Good Land Governance”, was the theme of the South Luzon Area Assembly of the Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines Inc., held on 6 & 7 November 2009, Quezon City, The Philippines.

FIG Vice President, CheeHai TEO attended the recently concluded South Luzon Area Assembly and he warmly received. FIG has accepted the invitation, though on a short notice, to enhance its engagement with its member associations. The Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines Inc (GEP) is Philippines’ sole member association in FIG. The event had a record attendance of about 500 people, more than doubling previous averages, so said a number of the participants.

GEP organises herself into 17 Regions and 4 Areas and the South Luzon Area (SLA) comprises three Regions including the National Capital Region (NCR), the Southern Tagalog Region and the Bicol Region. The event was attended by all of the three Regions’ Presidents, the Chairman of the South Luzon Area, non other than the organising chairperson, Engr. Randolf S Vicente and their national President, Engr. Cecilio C Reyes.

FIG Vice President delivered a keynote presentation entitled “Keeping Pace with the Times”. In the presentation, he stressed on the importance of Good Land Governance and Spatial Data Infrastructure in sustainable development and disaster risk management. During his presentation, he conveyed FIG’s sadness over the miseries and hardships endured by the Filipino people over the past five weeks from devastating typhoons beginning with Typhoon Ketsana. He saluted the strength and grittiness of the Filipino people in the midst of such calamities.

At the SLA Fellowship and Recognition Night, FIG Vice President was requested to deliver a short inspirational speech and he adopted SLA’s slogan “Together We can make a Difference” and told all present “We could, We should and We Must” make a difference in the very world we live in. He spoke of the need to provide confidence and quoted Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Confidence . . . thrives on honesty, on honour, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance”.

That evening, nine illustrious personalities were recognised and awarded for their notable achievements in the Land Sector. One among them was none other than Engr. Felipe F Cruz, founder and chairman of F.F. Cruz & Company Inc., 90 years old, still able to communicate with the audience and still practising!

The Vice President also took time during his stay in the Philippines to meet members of GEP as well as Geodetic Engineering undergraduates.

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Teo CheeHai
FIG Vice President

14 November 2009

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