News in 2021

Minutes of FIG General Assembly 2021

20 -25 June 2021

FIG General Assembly 2021 was held online on 20 and 25 June 2021 as part of the FIG e-Working Week 2021.

FIG President Rudolf Staiger at the General Assembly 2021 together with his council members: Diane Dumashie, Jixian Zhang, Mikael Lilje and Orhan Ercan

The General Assembly was held over 4 sessions - two on 20 June and two on 25 June. Reports and video presentations were published together with the agenda.

Votings took place online between session 2 and 3. The registration of the official delegate for votings was also used for the roll call. In total 73 member associations from 59 different countries had registered and counted as being "present" in the roll call, amounting in total 89 votes. Around 300 attended the sessions. The General Assembly format was different from previously, and encouraged more active participation and questions from the attendees.

The minutes are now available on the web site and will also be sent by email to all members.

Recordings of the sessions:




Louise Friis-Hansen
3 September 2021

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