FIG Commission 5

Working Group 5.2 - Reference Frame in Practice

Reference Frame

On-line GPS Processing

Here is a list of some of the on-line GPS processing internet web pages available.

Service provided by JPL
Service provided by Geoscience Australia
Service provided by NGS, USA
Service provided by SOPAC, USA
Service provided by Natural Resources, Canada
Service provided by the National Land Survey of Finland
Service provided by Lantmäteriet (the National Land Survey of Sweden) (in Swedish)

Permanent GNSS Networks


World wide GNSS network


APREF The Asia-Pacific Reference Frame (APREF) is an initiative to create and maintain an accurate geodetic framework to meet the growing needs of industries, science programs and the general public using positioning applications in the Asia-Pacific region.
EUREF Permanent Network European GNSS Network
Europe Leica Networks operators in Europe

South America



Argentina RAMSAC (Red Argentina de Monitoreo Satelital Continuo)
Australia The Australian Regional GNSS Network
Australia AusNet: A national initiative unifying Australian CORS Networks
Australia South Pacific Regional GPS Network
Australia The GNSS CORS Cluster for the Northern Territory Australia
Belgium Belgian RTK-networks
Brazil RBMC (Red Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo)
Bulgaria Naviteq
Colombia MAGNA-ECO (Marco Geocéntrico Nacional de Referencia - Estaciones Continuas)
Croatia CROPOS
Finland The Finnish permanent GPS network (FinnRef)
Mexico RGNA (Red Geodésica Nacional Activa)
New Zealand New Zealand PositioNZ CORS Network
France Réseau GPS Permanent
Germany SAPOS
Israel The Israel APN Network
Lithuania LitPOS
Norway SatRef (In Norwegian)
Portugal SERVIR
Korea, Republic of The new Korean Geocentric Datum and GPS CORS management
Serbia AGROS
Singapore SiReNT
Sweden SWEPOS Swedish Network of permanent GNSS stations
Switzerland SWIPOS
United Kingdom The British Isles continuous GNSS Facility (BIGF)
United Kingdom OS Net
USA National Geodetic Survey – CORS
Venezuela REMOS (Red de Estaciones de Monitoreo Satelital GPS)

Global and Regional Reference Frame 


International Terrestrial Reference Frames homepage


AFREF is a project for the creation of a unified African Reference Frame. Richard Wonnacott (South Africa) presented during FIG Working Week 2005 in Cairo a paper on the progress of AFREF. This paper was also considered to be the Article of the Month (June, 2005) for FIG. Here is the paper


United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management Asia Pacific (UNGGIM-AP)
UNGGIM-AP has a working group titled “UN-GGIM-AP WORKING GROUP 1 Geodetic Reference Framework for Sustainable Development


Geocentric Datum of Australia



This is a internet portal maintained by BKG (Germany) describing the coordinate reference systems in Europe as well as the European Vertical Reference System.


The IAG Subcommission for Europe is working actively with the European reference systems as well as the national realisations.

European Combined Geodetic Network

ECGN integrates the European reference systems and gravity and can be considered as the European contribution to GGOS


Netherlands Geodetic Commission


Nordic Geodetic Commission

North America


Regional Reference Frame for North America

Central and South America

SIRGAS is a project for the creation of a unified South American and Central American Reference Frame

If you notice that a link is erroneous, have changed or if you have other good web links that could be included, please notify the chair(s) of the working group.

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