Conference and Seminar Proceedings

Annual Meeting 1999 and Seminar

 Budapest, Hungary, 21 - 23 October, 1999

Official Programme


Foreword - Laszlo Niklasz, Head, Department of Lands and Mapping, MoARD

Foreword - Jes Ryttersgaard, chairman of FIG Commission 3

Warming Up

Annual Report `99 of the Hungarian National Mapping Agency


Jaime Vazquez-Caro: The Vienna Initiative - Real Property Rights in ECA Countries, World Bank

Fritz Rembold: Importance of GIS and related data in Rural Regional Development with reference to applications, FAO

Session 1

Vilmos Bognár - Szabolcs Mihály: Administrative Boundary Data Services ABDS) - an EU project and its Hungarian aspects

Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp - Pál Lévai: PANEL GI - pan-european relations

Jacob Opadeyi: Challenges in Developing a Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Caribbean

Session 2

Zsolt Sikolya - Gábor Kleinheincz: METATER - data management issues of meta data services in Hungary

Gabor Uhrin: Implementation of a nation-wide metadata server

Piroska Zalaba: TAKARNET - an extranet for land administration

Session 3

Introduction to the Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing

Béla Márkus: Land Information Services on the Web

Gabor Csornai et al.: Crop Monitoring by Remote Sensing

Session 4

Hans Knoop: International Standardization and Task Force on Standards

Szabolcs Mihály: Hungarian Base Map Data Standard, Technical Rules and Regulations

Yerahmiel Doytsher - Josef Forrai - Amnon Krupnik: The 1998 Israeli Regulations for Surveying and Mapping

Enikõ Kovács - Tamás Prajczer: Comparison of metadata standards - a proposal for Hungarian Core Metadata Standard

Session 5

László Niklasz: Strategy of staff development in Hungarian Land Offices

Béla Márkus: Continuing staff development to improve Land Information Services

Simon László: Multimedia-based TAKAROS training

Frances Plimmer: Mutual recognition of professional qualifications within a global marketplace for the services of surveyors

Session 6

Robert P Mahoney, Robin A McLaren: The use of spatial data to enhance the democratic process

Bernd Teichert: The InGeoForum - a MIS Activity in Germany

E.Dimopoulou, X.Christodoulou, N.Polydorides: A GIS-based campus planning and information system

C. Ioannidis, C. Logothetis, C. Potsiou C. Kiranoudis, M. Christolis, N. Markatos: Spatial information management for risk assessment of major industrial accidents

Milan Konecny: Local and Regional Spatial Information Infrastructures in Czech Republic: Concept, Tasks and Organisational Aspects

Session 7

E. Brandstötter: Cadastre based Agricultural Information System in Austria

Apostolos Arvanitis - Soultana Koukopoulou: Managing data during the update of the Greek Cadastre

Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp: LISARD - Land Information Service for the Agriculture and Rural Development and related EU harmonisation actions in Hungary

Zsolt Faragó: BIIR - Cadastral Information System for Budapest Land Office

Reinfried Mansberger - Gerhard Muggenhuber: Spatial Data Bases as Tools for Land Use and Development


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