FIG Commission 7 - Cadastre and Land Management


"Renewing, Reimagining, and Recommitting for Relevance: Cadastral surveyors have long recognised the value of a global perspective on land administration – for building technical consensus, supporting advocacy and awareness, and advancing the domain. The 2023-26 period builds on this tradition."

What we do

For the term 2023-2026 FIG Commission 7 will be working on:

PDF: Work Plan
VIDEO: Chair of the commission Rohan Bennett takes you through the work plan

Chair of FIG Commission 7:
Rohan Bennett, Australia

Join Commission 7 on LinkedIn

Learn more about how Commission 7 is working with the SDG's



FIG Regional Conference 2024
14-16 November 2024,
Kathmandu, Nepal

FIG Working Week 2025

6-10 April 2025 in Brisbane, Australia

Commission 7 Annual Meeting
24-26 September 2024 Kuching, Malaysia
web site

The 12th International FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model & 3D Land Administration

Commission 7 Annual Meeting

24-26 September 2024

The Commission 7 meeting will be held jointly with Commission 5, LADM, STDM Workshops and Geoinformation Week 2024 in Malaysia under the main title: Geospatial Innovation for Sustainable Rural and Urban Development

Read more



Commission 7 at FIG Working Week 2024

June 2024

The FIG Working Week 2024 was held from 19-24 May in Accra, Ghana. During the conference, Commission 7 had organised severaly sessions in the tehcnical programme and conducted its annual meeting. Additionally, the progress of all commissions was presented at the General Assembly.

Commission 7 report

> Annual report to General Assembly
> Minutes General Assembly
> Proceedings/Technical programme
> Report Annual Meeting
> Conference Website

Commision 7 Newsletters

Stay updated

Quarter 2 2024
Quarter 1 2024

December 2023
November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
June 2023
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
February 2023
January 2023



More News from FIG Commission 7




Work Plans




Working Groups


Key Documents


Meet the officers

Commission Chair

Dr. Rohan Bennett, Australia
Senior Geodetic Consultant
Contact: FIGCommission7 [at]

Vice Chair of Administration

Kirsikka Riekkinen, Finland
kirsikka.riekkine [at]

Working Group Chairs:

Chair of Working Group 7.1
Amalia Velasco, Spain
amalia.velasco [at]

Chair of Working Group 7.2
Israel Taiwo, Nigeria
taiwo_io [at]

Chair of Working Group 7.3
Peter van Oosterom, Netherlands
P.J.M.vanOosterom [at]

Chair of Working Group 7.4
Mila Koeva, Bulgaria
m.n.koeva [at]

Chair of Working Group 7.5
Marisa Balas, Mozambique
marisa.balas [at]

Chair of Working Group 7.6
Claudia Stöcker, Germany / Walter de Vries
claudia.stoecker [at]

Chair of Working Group 7.7
Simon Hull, South Africa
simon.hull [at]

Chair of Working Group 7.8
Charl-Thom Bayer, Namibia
charl-thom.bayer [at]

List of all officers

Delegates and Correspondents:

Each member association has the right to nominate a delegate to each of the ten technical commissions. In addition Affiliates, Academic Members and Corporate Members  are welcome to nominate a correspondent to each commission.

Interested? If you are interested to become a national delegate from your country, please contact your member association. The contact information of national delegates is updates by the FIG office. Any changes in contact information should be sent to the FIG Office.


FIG Publication 80: Digital transformation and land administration
Starting from the digital disruptions triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, this publication examines the state-of-play and future directions for digital transformation in land administration in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) region and beyond.Read the publication
This publication is the result of cooperation between the World Bank and the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) over recent years to address the issue of building and sustaining land administration systems that are basically fit-for-purpose rather than blindly complying with top-end technological solutions and rigid regulations for accuracy. Read the publication Many 3D Cadastral activities have been conducted during the past two decades: six FIG 3D Cadastres workshops, sessions at FIG working weeks and congresses, three special issues in international scientific journals, four terms of the joint commission 3 and commission 7 FIG Working Group on 3D Cadastres. Website
Cadastral Template 2.0 - a worldwide comparison af Cadastral Systems tool.
The cadastral template is based on a raster of 17 data fields, which would need to be filled in according to its specific description. You can find that description in the questionnaire.
The publication projects the trends and developed visions of what cadastral systems might be in 20 years' time (published 1998). Cadastre 2014 has received worldwide attention and has been translated into 28 languages.

Cadastre 2014 and beyond
Read the publication


Term 2019-2022
Term 2015-2018
Term 2011-2014
Term 2007-2010
Term 2003-2006

Working Groups

Term 2023-2026 

WG 7.1 - Framework for Effective Land Administration (FELA)
WG 7.2 - Fit for Purpose Land Administration (FFPLA)
WG 7.3 - 3D and LADM (3D/LADM)
WG 7.4 - Artificial Intelligence 4 Land Administration (AI4LA)
WG 7.5 - Women’s Access to Land and S4HL
WG 7.6 - Integrated Land Management
WG 7.7 - Education in Land Administration
WG 7.8 - Comparative Land Administration

Work plan


Cadastral Template

3D Cadastre

Cadastre 2014

FIG Pub. no 61: CADASTRE 2014 and Beyond

Pub: Cadaster 2014 - a vision for a future cadastral system


FIG Publications

FIG pub. no 80: Digital transformation and land administration

FIG Pub. no. 72: Best Practices 3D Cadastres

FIG Pub. no. 60: Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration

FIG Pub. no. 52: The Social Tenure Domain Model - A Pro-Poor Land Tool

FIG Proceedings

List of FIG Conference Proceedings
FIG Surveyors Reference Library


All events

Reports to General Assembly

Report, May 2020
Report, Hanoi, Vietnam. 2019
Report, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018
Report, Helsinki, Finland, 2017

All reports

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